Get all Locks from a Lock Holder

When it's time to query for the Locks of a Lock Holder, you only have to make a single GET request to:{{your_lock_holder_id}}/locks/


curl --location --request GET '<<api_url>>/integrators/v1/lock-holders/866b8a35-4184-44c5-8ffd-448a77e5a91c/locks/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer mV4cI6MTY1NDAzMjI3N3IiXX0m2hU91eGGWP.muTmF5eUiOiJSb2N0c0bkwVwnwcetb' \

The response will contain a list of all the locks associated with that Lock Holder ID:

    "locks": [
      "id": "ba193242-3cb2-4ac7-beef-d41668a009bb",
      "name": "My front door",
      "vendor": "Danalock",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "auth": {
        "Bubbas cleaning company": "opt-in",
        "Bubbas 'make a mess' company": "deny",
      "address": {
        "street": "336 East 6th street",
        "postalCode": 10013,
        "city": "New York",
        "countryIso": "us",
        "floor": "2. floor",
        "visitorInstructions": "The door is red",
      "canCreateKeysCount": 2,
      "keysCreatedCount": 4

Get a single Lock

If you want to query for a specific Lock inside the same Lock Holder, we got you covered! Just make a GET request to:{{your_lock_holder_id}}/locks/{{your_lock_id}}/


curl --location --request GET '<<api_url>>/integrators/v1/lock-holders/866b8a35-4184-44c5-8ffd-448a77e5a91c/locks/af58f1b9-dc21-4fc6-9828-2f2d51e75ff3/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer mV4cI6MTY1NDAzMjI3N3IiXX0m2hU91eGGWP.muTmF5eUiOiJSb2N0c0bkwVwnwcetb' \

The response you get contains the same Lock data as in the response you get when querying for all the Locks from a Lock Holder:

  "lock": {
    "id": "ba193242-3cb2-4ac7-beef-d41668a009bb",
    "name": "My front door",
    "vendor": "Danalock",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "auth": {
      "Bubbas cleaning company": "opt-in",
      "Bubbas 'make a mess' company": "deny",
    "address": {
      "street": "336 East 6th street",
      "postalCode": 10013,
      "city": "New York",
      "countryIso": "us",
      "floor": "2. floor",
      "visitorInstructions": "The door is red",
    "canCreateKeysCount": 2,
    "keysCreatedCount": 4

What’s Next

Now that you have a better understanding of the Locks API endpoints, it's a good idea to move onto the Keys section