
In the Unloc API, certain GET endpoints have the capability to return a large number of entities. To efficiently manage and retrieve these entities, paging is supported through the use of the startAfterId and limit query parameters.

Note: The default (and maximum) value of limit is 2500, so in order to retrieve more than 2500 locks (or other entities) you need to implement paging.

How to implement pagination

When the number of entities exceeds the specified limit, the API response will include a field called startAfterId. For example, when calling the Get Locks endpoint, the response will be structured as follows:

// GET .../locks?limit=100
  locks: [...], // 100 locks
  startAfterId: "ee6a0d6a-aedc-40ef-8c13-1e0f995243ab"

To fetch additional locks, you can make subsequent requests to the Get Locks endpoint, including the startAfterId as a query parameter. The startAfterId represents the identifier of the last entity received in the previous response.

// GET .../locks?limit=100&startAfterId=ee6a0d6a-aedc-40ef-8c13-1e0f995243ab
  locks: [...], // 100 locks
  startAfterId: "64828188-0c45-4793-bc34-94233dc8cd2e"

When you have retrieved all locks, startAfterId will be empty.