Lock Holders

Updating a Lock Holder's name

You can update a Lock Holder's name by sending a PATCH request to:


Since you're interacting with a specific Lock Holder, you'll need to use the Lock Holder Admin scope token you generated in the previous step.

Here's an example:

curl --location --request PATCH '<<api_url>>/integrators/v1/lock-holders/866b8a35-4184-44c5-8ffd-448a77e5a91c' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer mV4cI6MTY1NDAzMjI3N3IiXX0m2hU91eGGWP.muTmF5eUiOiJSb2N0c0bkwVwnwcetb' \
--data '{
    "name": "Emerald Rd. 15"

You will receive a response with a JSON object representing the new Lock Holder's data:

    "lockHolder": {
        "id": "373c3bdd-ff32-4caa-9eca-bfc54e5042d5",
        "name": "Emerald Rd. 15",
        "countryIso": "DK",
        "organizationId": "opk-4155ll-51600b",
        "organizationIdSuffix": "",
        "activeInstallerInviteCodes": [


Deleting a Lock Holder

The Lock Holder deletion process is not handled through an API call. It needs to be done manually. Reach out to us thought the channels we established for you so we can get it done.

What’s Next

After reviewing the Quickstart Introduction and this page, you should have a clearer picture of the management options you have for Lock Holders; the topic for you to cover will be Locks